
Apple acknowledges the new iCal spam problem, says its working on it -pt. from TechCrunch » Apple-

Twitter now lets mobile users make their own Moments -pt. from TechCrunch » Twitter-

Google launches App Maker -pt. from TechCrunch » Google-

Zero is a mobile automation app for email addicts -pt. from TechCrunch » Google-

Facebook has cut off Prisma’s Live Video access-pt. from TechCrunch » facebook-

Crunch Report | Facebook Messenger Instant Games-pt. from TechCrunch » facebook-

Twitter to host a live Q&A with Star Wars: Rogue One cast Dec. 2 -pt. from TechCrunch » Twitter-

Facebook Messenger launches Instant Games-pt. from TechCrunch » facebook-

The end of the Apple dynasty? -pt. from TechCrunch » Android-

The end of the Apple dynasty? -pt. from TechCrunch » Apple-

The end of the Apple dynasty? -pt. from TechCrunch » iPhone-

Yahoo brings its Q&A site to mobile via a new app, Yahoo Answers Now -pt. from TechCrunch » Yahoo-

Post-App Store developer platform Blackstorm’s first showcase instant games launch on Facebook-pt. from TechCrunch » facebook-

Jolla’s Sailfish OS now certified as Russian government’s first ‘Android alternative’ -pt. from TechCrunch » Android-

Samsung Electronics considers restructure following pressure from shareholders -pt. from TechCrunch » Samsung-

Crunch Report | Casey Neistat’s Beme Acquired by CNN -pt. from TechCrunch » Apple-

It’s not just you, iCloud calendar spam is on the rise -pt. from TechCrunch » Apple-

As some shareholders call for split, Samsung will announce plans to boost value -pt. from TechCrunch » Samsung-

Machine learning can fix Twitter, Facebook, and maybe even America -pt. from TechCrunch » Twitter-

Crunch Report | Facebook Builds a Censorship Tool-pt. from TechCrunch » facebook-

Crunch Report | Facebook Builds a Censorship Tool -pt. from TechCrunch » Twitter-

Facebook is unlikely to succeed in China, even if it compromises on free speech-pt. from TechCrunch » facebook-

UK to put up £1BN for full fiber broadband and 5G, £400M extra for VC -pt. from TechCrunch » Google-

Twitter mistakenly suspended its own CEO’s Twitter account -pt. from TechCrunch » Twitter-

Crunch Report | Tesla and SolarCity-powered Island -pt. from TechCrunch » Apple-

Google’s AI translation tool seems to have invented its own secret internal language -pt. from TechCrunch » Google-

Facebook built censorship tool to get into China despite human rights risks-pt. from TechCrunch » facebook-

Google’s redesigned Google Sites goes live -pt. from TechCrunch » Google-

Facebook downsizes SMB sales in Europe, reportedly cuts 30 jobs in Germany-pt. from TechCrunch » facebook-

Most students can’t tell fake news from real news, study shows -pt. from TechCrunch » Twitter-

Most students can’t tell fake news from real news, study shows-pt. from TechCrunch » facebook-